PANAGET’s factory was established in 1929 in Bougbarré, in the French region of Brittany, where it stands to this very day.

Over the years, we have remained true to our roots, and have incorporated our traditional production methods and craftsmanship into our modern day manufacturing processes.

We continue to work with wood and wood alone, preferably oak. In line with our commitment to using natural wood sources, the oak that we use is 100% French oak, which is guaranteed to be healthy and natural, with all the values and virtues of the country’s ancient forests.

The origins of parquet flooring can be traced back to the Middle Ages.

This type of flooring reminds us of our family history and the houses that our parents and grandparents used to live in, and acts as a reminder of what it feels like to be young.

In the past, parquet was often associated with the smell of polish. Apart from that smell, our parquet flooring retains all the benefits of the past, and is now available in a wide choice of colours and options, with a range of varnishes that will practically never wear out, making it so much easier to maintain.

Our local roots and fiercely loyal workforce enable us to be proud of what we produce in Brittany: parquet flooring for people all over the world.

파나제는 프랑스에서 가장 크고 오래된 최고급 원목마루 제조사입니다

전통과 신기술이 완벽히 조화된 프랑스 내 공장에서 직접 생산합니다

파나제 2개 공장(부바레, 흐동)은 오크 나무 산지인 노르망디&버건디 지역과 기차 2시간 거리로 최단기간 공급이 가능해 자연적 가치, 내구성, 제품의 질 등 다양한 면에서 우수합니다.

뿐만 아니라 벌목된 오크 나무를 건조-가공-포장-유통까지 마루 생산 전 공정을 직접 수행하며, 이 모든 과정은 100% 프랑스에서 이루어집니다.